Yes believe it or not Rostrevor had its very own giant and no not the Beanstalk Dwelling Type. Rostrevor’s very own Giant was a man named Patrick Murphy. Patrick Murphy was from Killowen and born around 1832. sadly he did not have an easy life as he was once of usual height but at age 20 he all of sudden grew very tall due to some form of medical problem. it was said that he was 8 feet 1 but it is possible this was an exaggeration

Sadly for Patrick his disposition brought him the wrong kind of attention and ended being brought into the circus business and dragged and paraded all around Europe branded as the world tallest man. One has to feel great sympathy for the poor fellow to be so unfairly extorted due to just being different. He finally passed away after catching typhoid and died in Marseilles. He was however brought home and laid to rest in Kilbroney Graveyard. His life was a very miserable one and not one to be celebrated. People from far and wide however still come to visit his Grave to admire it.


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